Slip-in cartridge valves and servo cartridge valves

Einbau- und Servocartridge-Ventile

Cartridge valves, also known as 2/2 directional valves or logic elements, are industrial hydraulic valves used for directional, pressure, check, and flow control. These cartridge valves are compact and can be used in hydraulic manifold systems for many industrial and mobile machines. These products are ideal for applications that require high flow rates and leakage-free control.

Cartridge valves categories

Our products

2-way slip-in cartridge valves - directional function

Servo Cartridge Ventil für Hochleistungsanwendungen
Our products

2-way cartridge valves with integrated position monitored

Servo Cartridge Ventil für Hochleistungsanwendungen
Our products

2-way plug-in cartridge valves - pressure function

Our products

2-way and 3-way servo cartridge valves

Einbau- und Servocartridge-Ventile
Our products

Pilot valves and accessories for cartridge valve controls
